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Convert your yoga mat into a playground!! 🙂
In this playful workshop we built the foundation for the funky hand balances offered in your regular classes. Also a great addition for Ashtanga and Rocket practitioners. The first part will cover the basic alignment of Bakasana or crane pose and its variations. For example think of one legged crow and side crow.
For the second part we are taking the feet way up and explore Pincha Mayurasana a.k.a. Feather of the Peacock. You’ll be surprised how closely connected these balancing postures are and how you can access them.
Save the best for last, partner up with other yogi’s and encourage each other into full handstands. Also the inspiration for the workshops name, hands down feet up.
Location: Studio OM
Date: Sunday 22nd of May
Time: 14.00 – 16.00
Teacher: Tim de Ruiter
Price: € 30,00
Click here to buy a ticket for the workshop.
NB: Scroll down and at the end you will find the workshops.
For more information and invoice/payment send an e-mail to: deyogastudio@gmail.com
Have some fun while you’re there. Bring your mat, lots of energy and be prepared to sweat!!